LUCAS nimmt von 20. Februar bis 1. Mai 2022 Einreichungen für die Kurzfilmwettbewerbsprogramme an.

Das 44. LUCAS – Internationales Festival für jun­ge Filmfans fin­det vom 6. – 13. Oktober 2022 in Frankfurt am Main und Umgebung statt.

Für den Kurzfilmwettbewerb wer­den Produktionen von einer Spieldauer bis zu 30 Minuten ange­nom­men. Weitere Voraussetzung ist, dass der ein­ge­reich­te Kurzfilm sei­ne Deutschlandpremiere bei LUCAS fei­ert. Bitte nut­zen Sie die Plattform FilmFreeway für die Einreichung.

LUCAS bringt aktu­el­les inter­na­tio­na­les Filmschaffen für jun­ges Publikum auf die Leinwand. In fünf Wettbewerben wer­den her­aus­ra­gen­de inter­na­tio­na­le Spiel‑, Dokumentar‑, Animations- und Experimentalfilme prä­sen­tiert. Langfilmbeiträge sowie eine Auswahl an Kurzfilmbeiträgen gehen in den Alterssektionen 8+, 13+ und 16+ | Youngsters ins Rennen um die begehr­ten LUCAS-Preise.

Die Langfilme haben eine Spieldauer von mind. 60 Minuten und sind noch nicht in deut­schen Kinos ange­lau­fen. Eine Auswahlkommission ist auf Festivals und Branchentreffen unter­wegs, um aus den stärks­ten aktu­el­len Produktionen welt­weit je acht Wettbewerbsbeiträge für die Sektionen 8+ und 13+ sowie wei­te­re fünf für die Sektion 16+ | Youngsters zu wäh­len. Nicht Premierenstatus, son­dern ein­zig Qualität ent­schei­det. In Ausnahmefällen wer­den auch im Langfilmwettbewerb Einreichungen akzep­tiert.

Bitte lesen Sie die Bestimmungen zur Kurzfilmeinreichung sorg­fäl­tig durch, bevor Sie Ihren Kurzfilm für LUCAS #44 auf FilmFreeway bis zum 1. Mai 2022 ein­rei­chen. Bitte beach­ten Sie auch die benut­zer­de­fi­nier­ten Anmeldeformulare und die auf FilmFreeway in Gänze auf­ge­führ­ten Regeln.

Bestimmungen zur Kurzfilmeinreichung (in englischer Sprache)

  1. LUCAS – International Festival for Young Film Lovers pres­ents in its pro­gram films – inno­va­ti­ve both in their aes­the­tic form and in their con­tent. We are loo­king for out­stan­ding pro­duc­tions which appeal to young film lovers of various ages. This includes films made spe­ci­fi­cal­ly for young audi­en­ces as well as films on account of their form and con­tent. LUCAS is orga­ni­zed by Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum (Schaumainkai 41, 60596 Frankfurt).
  2. The 44th LUCAS – International Festival for Young Film Lovers will take place in Frankfurt and the Rhein-Main regi­on, Germany, from Oct 6th to Oct. 13th, 2022. The fes­ti­val is open for a wide ran­ge of fic­tion, docu­men­ta­ry, ani­ma­ti­on, expe­ri­men­tal and hybrid films. The films will be shown in com­pe­ti­ti­on, out of com­pe­ti­ti­on and in spe­cial programs.
  3. Films sub­mit­ted for the short film com­pe­ti­ti­on must meet the fol­lo­wing criteria:

+ The film has not been pre­sen­ted befo­re in a fes­ti­val or at other public events in Germany and is not available for public vie­w­ing on the internet.
+ Only films which have been pro­du­ced bet­ween 2019 and 2021 are eligible.
+ Only ent­ries that can pro­vi­de a DCP scree­ning copy with English Subtitles will be accepted.
+ The run­ning time of the film may not exceed 30 minutes.

  1. A sel­ec­tion com­mit­tee choo­ses films for the com­pe­ti­ti­on. The sel­ec­tion pro­cess will not be public and the­re is no legal right to enter the competition.
  2. The awards are deci­ded upon by various inter­na­tio­nal juries – 8+ and 13+ con­sis­ting of child­ren and youths as well as film pro­fes­sio­nals and 16+ | Youngsters only by young adults. The jury’s decis­i­on is final, and the jury does not need to jus­ti­fy their decisions.
    + Awards for Best Feature Film in the age cate­go­ry 8+ (5.000 €) and 13+ (5.000 €)
    + Awards for the Best Short Film in the age cate­go­ry 8+ (2.000 €) and 13+ (2.000 €)
    + Award for an Outstanding Cinematic Achievement | age cate­go­ry 13+ (2.000 €)
    + LUCAS Youngsters Award | sec­tion 16+ | Youngsters (5.000 €)
    Moreover, LUCAS besto­wes the unen­do­wed Audience Award as well as the award of the European Children’s Film Association (ECFA).
  1. After a film’s ent­ry into com­pe­ti­ti­on has been publicly announ­ced, a with­dra­wal of the film is no lon­ger possible.
  2. Films will only be scree­ned in ori­gi­nal lan­guage with English sub­tit­les. Selected short films in com­pe­ti­ti­on may be trans­la­ted into German for voice-over by the festival.
  3. The Festival ack­now­led­ges that for each film the inter­na­tio­nal regu­la­ti­ons aut­ho­ri­se a total of no more than three screenings.
  4. The dead­line for ente­ring short films is May 1st, 2022. By then the sel­ec­tion com­mit­tee must have recei­ved: The film on DVD/BluRay or as online resour­ce inclu­ding all rele­vant metadata.
  5. The abo­ve men­tio­ned DVDs/BluRays will not be returned.
  6. A DCP/print of the film is to be sent only after an offi­ci­al invi­ta­ti­on has been recei­ved. The DCP/film print must arri­ve at least 10 days befo­re the fes­ti­val starts.
  7. Unless nego­tia­ted other­wi­se, the par­ti­ci­pan­ts have to cover the cos­ts for trans­port, insu­rance and cus­toms. Entry fees will not be refun­ded, neither in case of the film being ente­red on dif­fe­rent plat­forms, the film being sel­ec­ted nor not selected.
  8. The fes­ti­val covers the insu­rance of the DCPs/film prints while they are on loca­ti­on in Frankfurt, from their arri­val until they are given back to the shipper.
  9. Only the rights hol­der or his repre­sen­ta­ti­ve can enter a film. The fes­ti­val requests that a DVD/BluRay/file of the film is depo­si­ted in the fes­ti­vals archive.
  10. Entering a film means the accep­tance of the festival’s regulations.
  11. The manage­ment of the fes­ti­val is aut­ho­ri­zed to chan­ge the festival’s regu­la­ti­ons in spe­cial cases but only in accordance with the inter­na­tio­nal regulations.
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