Cinema tickets for individuals

Currently, we can only offer an online pre sales for sin­gle tickets for scree­nings at the DFF cine­ma. Unfortunately,  this is only pos­si­ble for adults (regu­lar pri­ce and dis­count). 

No online pre sales for sin­gle tickets for scree­nings at Cinéma, Kino im Hafen 2 and Caligari FilmBühne.
Reservations for all cine­mas can be made by cal­ling 069–961 220 678 or by emai­ling and sta­ting the film title, cine­ma, and time. Pick up at the ticket coun­ter half an hour befo­re the scree­ning.  

Performances on Sunday, October 3rd that are part of LUCAS for Families (bet­ween 10 am to 5 pm) are free of char­ge. You can make a reser­va­ti­on by pho­ne: Tel. +49 69 961 220 — 220 or wri­te an email to | Keyword: LUCAS Festival Sunday + Film Title 

Registration form

    Notes on data privacy 

    Your per­so­nal data is con­fi­den­ti­al. By regis­tra­ti­on, you agree to the use of the com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on data abo­ve accor­ding to Art. 6 Abs. 1a DSGVO for the pur­po­ses of gene­ral com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on, the trans­fer of infor­ma­ti­on from us to you, as well as the issue of invi­ta­ti­ons if appli­ca­ble. Our full state­ment on data pri­va­cy can be found here: You can revo­ke your decla­ra­ti­on of con­sent at any time, part­ly or com­ple­te­ly via Mail at:
    This regis­tra­ti­on is binding. 

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