المسحر. Qatar 2021. Director: Hassan Al-Jahni. 7 Min. Animation. OV w/. Engl. Subs. and Ger. voice-over. Recommended from age 0. 

Fatima tip­to­es around the fami­ly home at night. It is eerie. Through the door she sees her father caring for her dying grand­mo­ther. Now only Emsahar, the magi­cal Ramadan crier, can help.

FR, 1.10. | 2 p.m.| DFF Cinema
WE, 6.10. | 9 a.m. | DFF Cinema

This film is part of the short film pro­gram 1.

Extras and Mitmischen!

LUCAS im Kino

Film talks

LUCAS im Kino

Educational material


2021 EMSAHAR (debut)


Hassan Al-Malki Al-Jahni is a film­ma­ker from Qatar. He stu­di­ed Media, Industries and Technologies with an empha­sis on Film and Middle Eastern Studies at the Northwestern University, Qatar. EMSAHAR is his debut film. 

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