The award ceremony of the 44th LUCAS-Film Festival

Thursday, October 7, 6 p.m.  

It is time to award this year’s LUCAS prizes in the cine­ma of the DFF.  

Attend the pri­ze cerem­o­ny from the com­fort of your home via ZOOM! You will recei­ve the ZOOM link via 

In the 8+ and 13+ sec­tions, young film fans and adult indus­try pro­fes­sio­nals deci­de coll­ec­tively on who wins the com­pe­ti­ti­on. The win­ner of the 16+ com­pe­ti­ti­on is cho­sen by six teen­agers from Bulgaria, Germany, and Italy. The juries of “European Children’s Film Association” as well as the group “Cinema Without Borders” also award a pri­ze. Festival atten­de­es and guests vote for the win­ner of the Audience Award. For the very first time, the “Stadtteiljury” gets to award a short film in com­pe­ti­ti­on with a pri­ze.  

Here’s an over­view of all the pri­zes:  

Section 8+: 

  • Best Feature Film 8+ (5,000 euros), dona­ted by the Sparkassen Kulturstiftung Hessen-Thüringen 
  • Best Short Film 8+ (2,000 euros) 
  • ECFA Award (non-mone­ta­ry) 

Section 13+: 

  • Best Feature Film 13+ (5,000 euros) 
  • Best Short Film 13+ (2,000 euros) 
  • Award for an Outstanding Cinematic Achievement (2,000 euros) 

Section 16+ | Youngsters:  

  • LUCAS Youngsters Award (5,000 euros) 

Short Film Competition: 

  • Stadtteiljury” award 

Every com­pe­ti­ti­on sec­tion:  

  • MOZAIK Audience Award (non-mone­ta­ry)  
  • Bridging the Borders Award (non-mone­ta­ry) 
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