
Ticket prices in cinema


4,00 € for Young Film Lovers up to 20 years of age* 
2,00 € for owners of a Frankfurt-Pass
8,00 € adults
6,00 € Reduced admis­si­on fees for pupils, stu­dents and unem­ploy­ed peo­p­le 

* Members of the fri­ends of the DFF, sever­ely han­di­cap­ped and adult Frankfurt Pass hol­ders pay 4,00 €. 

Tickets for all DFF events are available at the ticket coun­ter of the DFF. Other venues offer tickets start­ing 30 minu­tes befo­re a scree­ning. 


3,50 € ear­ly boo­king pri­ce for Young Film Lovers until 17.9.2021 (not included: Caligari FilmBühne) 

Chaperones for groups of at least ten Young Film Lovers get free admis­si­on (up to 3 cha­pe­ro­nes per group, up to 2 cha­pe­ro­nes at Caligari FilmBühne). 

Consultation and boo­king at:
Web: lucas-filmfestival.dePhone:069 961 220 678 | cont­act: 

Video-on-Demand | Online program

GROUP PRICING VIDEO-ON-DEMAND (VoD) Exclusively for school clas­ses and child­ren or youth groups 

2,00 € per per­son in group (ten or more peo­p­le) until 17.9.2021 up to 2 cha­pe­ro­nes per group of at least ten Young Film Lovers get free admis­si­on 

Consultation and boo­king at:
web: | pho­ne: 069 961 220 678 | cont­act: 

LUCAS Trennung


Frequently asked questions about the festival

Dear Film Lovers, dear tea­chers, dear parents, 
This year you get to enjoy our com­pe­ti­ti­on pro­gram in cine­mas and in the class­room. Aside from a visit to the cine­ma, school clas­ses or child­ren and youth groups will have the exclu­si­ve oppor­tu­ni­ty to stream our films per Video-on-Demand direct­ly from your class­room or other sui­ta­ble group venues. 

How does it work?  


Cinema for groups

Important! Our LUCAS hygie­ne con­cept 

  • At the moment a visit to the cine­ma is only pos­si­ble with one of the fol­lo­wing docu­ments: a cer­ti­fied pro­of of reco­very, a nega­ti­ve COVID Test (no self-tests and no test results older than 24 hours), or pro­of of full vac­ci­na­ti­on. 

You can find a list of free test­ing faci­li­ties near the DFF here. 

  • Please fill out and hand in this cont­act form. 
  • You are requi­red to wear a face mask in all buil­dings and at the cine­ma until you reach your seat. The mask can be remo­ved during the scree­ning. 

You can find our safe­ty and hygie­ne con­cepts here.

How can I book a scree­ning for a group?
You can eit­her call our boo­king hot­line: 069 961 220–678, mail us at or über Kinovorstellungen buchen. 

Until when can I book scree­nings for groups?
Up until 17.9.2021.  

Can I book a group visit after 17.9.2021?
Please call to con­sult with us, sin­ce our con­tin­gent is limi­t­ed. 

Does every stu­dent need a ticket and how much is it?
Tickets for stu­dents are pri­ced at € 3,50 with our ear­ly boo­king dis­count until 17.9.2021 and after that at € 4,00. Up to three tea­chers can join for free. 

Which pay­ment opti­ons do you offer?
Groups: For all scree­nings (not inclu­ding Caligari FilmBühne) pay­ment opti­ons include PayPal and trans­fer (ask for an invoice at the LUCAS office). You can pay cash at any ticket coun­ter of our LUCAS venues (30–15 minu­tes befo­re the scree­ning) or at the DFF ticket coun­ter for scree­nings at the DFF cine­ma (cash or debit card) during the DFF’s ope­ning hours. Phone: 069 961 220–678 | mail:  

Single per­son: You can pay cash at any ticket coun­ter of the LUCAS venues (30–15 minu­tes befo­re the scree­ning). Tickets for scree­nings at the DFF cine­ma can be paid for online (via Klarna, Paypal, or cre­dit card) or during the DFF’s ope­ning hours at the ticket coun­ter (cash or debit card). 

How big can a group be?
Group boo­kings are available for groups of ten peo­p­le or more. 

I have boo­ked a scree­ning for a group. What hap­pens next?
You will recei­ve a boo­king con­fir­ma­ti­on from us via mail. Upon request, you can recei­ve an invoice or other­wi­se pay at the ticket coun­ter. 

Are the­re sub­tit­les and/or dub­bing for non-German films?
All non-German films are sub­tit­led eit­her in German or English. Films recom­men­ded for ages 13 and up have German voice over. 

Cinema on demand | Competition program in cinemas

Important! Our LUCAS hygie­ne con­cept 

  • At the moment a visit to the cine­ma is only pos­si­ble with one of the fol­lo­wing docu­ments: a cer­ti­fied pro­of of reco­very, a nega­ti­ve COVID Test (no self-tests and no test results older than 24 hours) or pro­of of full vac­ci­na­ti­on. 

You can find a list of free test­ing faci­li­ties near the DFF here. 

  • Please fill out and hand in this cont­act form. 
  • You are requi­red to wear a face mask in all buil­dings and at the cine­ma until you reach your seat. The mask can be remo­ved during the scree­ning. 

You can find our safe­ty and hygie­ne con­cepts here.                                                          

What is cine­ma on demand?
In the mor­nings from 30.09. until 7.10. we offer your group a cine­ma venue at your reques­ted time. You pick a film from our com­pe­ti­ti­on pro­gram. This offer is direc­ted at groups of 20 to 40 peo­p­le. Cinema halls will be assi­gned in the chro­no­lo­gi­cal order of the boo­kings. 

Which movies are available for choosing?
You can pick any film from our com­pe­ti­ti­on pro­grams 8+, 13+ and 16+ | Youngsters (avai­la­bi­li­ty may vary).

How big can a group be?
This offer is direc­ted at groups of 20 to 55 people.

Which dates are available for booking?
There are seve­ral dif­fe­rent time slots available on the mor­nings from 30.9. until 7.10. Contact us! This new offer is exclu­si­ve­ly available for cer­tain time slots during the fes­ti­val week at the Cinéma Petit and Kino des DFF. 

pho­ne: 069 961 220 678 | web: | cont­act:


Video on Demand for groups

Which tech­ni­cal requi­re­ments does the VoD ser­vice have?
You will need a fast and sta­ble inter­net con­nec­tion for our online ser­vices, as well as a brow­ser that sup­ports DRM-pro­­tec­­ted media. We recom­mend MICROSOFT EDGE. If you are using a bea­mer and not wat­ching on a moni­tor, the bea­mer must be digi­tal­ly con­nec­ted. 

How can I book a VoD scree­ning for a group?
You can eit­her call our boo­king hot­line: 069 961 220–678, mail us at or via book VOD. 

Until when can I book a VoD scree­ning for groups?
Until 17.9.2021  

Does every stu­dent need a ticket and how much is it?
When boo­king for a group/class you will recei­ve a sin­gle code that will be used for the joint scree­ning. The pri­cing per stu­dent is 2,00 € per scree­ning. Up to two tea­chers can join for free. 

Which pay­ment opti­ons do you offer?
We offer pay­ment via PayPal or trans­fer. In both cases you will recei­ve an invoice. 

How big can a group be?
Group boo­kings are available for groups of ten peo­p­le or more. 

When can I watch the films?
Our VoD films are available for strea­ming from 30th September to 7th October 2021 on the LUCAS web­site. 

How much time do I have to watch the film once I purcha­sed it?
48 hours. 

In which count­ries can I watch the films?
In Germany. 

I have boo­ked a scree­ning for a group. What hap­pens next?
You will recei­ve a boo­king con­fir­ma­ti­on from us via Mail, as well as an invoice. When your pay­ment is con­firm­ed, you will recei­ve the code from us. This usual­ly hap­pens short­ly after and at the latest on 27.9.2021. 

Do I need an account with Pantaflix?

Can I dele­te my coo­kies while the film is on?
You are advi­sed not to do so, sin­ce it might inter­fe­re with the film’s play­back. 

Are the­re sub­tit­les and/or dub­bing for non-German films?
All non-German films are sub­tit­led eit­her in German or English. Films recom­men­ded for ages 13 and up have a German voice over, which you can choo­se to turn on or off. 

Should the­re be any more ques­ti­ons or if you need help choo­sing a film for your group: 

More Info | Consultation | Booking 

pho­ne: 069 961 220–678 | 

LUCAS Trennung


Kino des DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum
Schaumainkai 41, 60596 Frankfurt am Main


How do I get to Kino des DFF via public trans­port? Click here:

Caligari FilmBühne
Marktplatz 9, 65183 Wiesbaden


How do I get to Caligari FilmBühne via public trans­port? Click here:

Rossmarkt 7, 60311 Frankfurt am Main


How do I get to Kino Cinéma via public trans­port? Click here:

Kino im Hafen 2
Nordring 129, 63067 Offenbach


How do I get to Kino im Hafen 2 via public trans­port? Click here:

LUCAS Trennung

Festival Center 

Addresses and stops

DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum

Schaumainkai 41, 60596 Frankfurt am Main
U1, U2, U3, U8 | Stop: Schweizer Platz
U4, U5 | Stop: Willy-Brandt-Platz
Straßenbahn 14, 15, 16 | Stop: Gartenstraße
Bus 46 | Stop: Untermainbrücke

Opening Hours


TH 30.9 9:30–12:30 | 16–17:30 Uhr
FR 1.10. 8:45–18 Uhr
SA 2.10. 10–16 Uhr
SU 3.10. 10–18 Uhr
MO 4.10. 8:45–18 Uhr
TU 5.10. 8:45–18 Uhr
WE 6.10. 8:45–18 Uhr
TH 7.10. 8:45–11 Uhr


DFF box office

TH 30.9. 9:15–20:45 o’clock
FR 1.10. 8:30–20:45 o’clock
SA 2.10. 10–20:45 o’clock
SU 3.10. 9:45–20:45 o’clock
MO 4.10. 8:30–20:45 o’clock
TU 5.10. 8:30–20:45 o’clock
WE 6.10. 8:30–20:45 o’clock
TH 7.10. 8:30–18 o’clock

Festival location “Yachtklub”

Deutschherrnufer 12
60594 Frankfurt am Main


The DFF is acces­si­ble for visi­tors with rest­ric­ted mobi­li­ty and for guests with wheel­chairs via a lift at the ent­rance to the right of the muse­um. Elevators in the foy­er pro­vi­de bar­ri­er-free access to all exhi­bi­ti­on flo­ors (1st-3rd flo­or), as well as to the cine­ma on the ground flo­or and the film work­shop and work­shop rooms on the 4th flo­or. There is a sepa­ra­te rest­room for dis­ab­led guests in the base­ment. We offer a wheel­chair for ren­tal. 

More info on acces­si­bi­li­ty at other venues: Accessability

Anfahrt/ Google Maps 

How do I get to DFF via public trans­port? Click here: 

LUCAS Trennung


Accreditation of press representatives

You can use this form to make a man­da­to­ry request for your accre­di­ta­ti­on. 

Upon show­ing your accre­di­ta­ti­on card at the LUCAS coun­ter, you will recei­ve free cine­ma tickets as long as the con­tin­gent is suf­fi­ci­ent.  

Please note: Have a sepa­ra­te ticket issued for each event you wish to attend. The accre­di­ta­ti­on pass is only valid in com­bi­na­ti­on with a pho­to ID. Likewise, a vou­ch­er code can be used on the VoD plat­form as long as the con­tin­gent is suf­fi­ci­ent. 

Please direct fur­ther ques­ti­ons to:
Mail: lucas-redaktion@dff-film
Phone: +49 (0)69 961 220 314
Fax: +49 (0)69 961 220 669 

    Notice on data privacy 

    We tre­at your per­so­nal data con­fi­den­ti­al­ly. By regis­tering, you con­sent to the use of your abo­­ve-men­­tio­­ned com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on data in accordance with Art. 6 (1a) DSGVO for the pur­po­ses of gene­ral com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on, the for­war­ding of infor­ma­ti­on from us to you and, if appli­ca­ble, for issuing event invi­ta­ti­ons. Our com­ple­te pri­va­cy poli­cy can be found at: You can revo­ke your con­sent com­ple­te­ly or par­ti­al­ly at any time effec­ting the future by sen­ding an email to

    The regis­tra­ti­on is mandatory. 

    Accreditation for industry

    You can make a man­da­to­ry request for accre­di­ta­ti­on using this form. 

    (Accreditation fee: 30.00 € (pay­ment upon pick­up) 

    Upon show­ing your accre­di­ta­ti­on card at the LUCAS coun­ter, you will recei­ve free cine­ma tickets as long as the con­tin­gent is suf­fi­ci­ent.  

    Please note: Have a sepa­ra­te ticket issued for each event you wish to attend. The accre­di­ta­ti­on pass is only valid in com­bi­na­ti­on with a pho­to ID. Likewise, a vou­ch­er code can be used on the VoD plat­form as long as the con­tin­gent is suf­fi­ci­ent. 

    Please direct fur­ther ques­ti­ons to:
    Tel: +49 (0)69 961 220 675
    Fax: +49 (0)69 961 220 669

      Notice on data privacy 

      We tre­at your per­so­nal data con­fi­den­ti­al­ly. By regis­tering, you con­sent to the use of your abo­­ve-men­­tio­­ned com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on data in accordance with Art. 6 (1a) DSGVO for the pur­po­ses of gene­ral com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on, the for­war­ding of infor­ma­ti­on from us to you and, if appli­ca­ble, for issuing event invi­ta­ti­ons. Our com­ple­te pri­va­cy poli­cy can be found at: You can revo­ke your con­sent com­ple­te­ly or par­ti­al­ly at any time effec­ting the future by sen­ding an email to

      The boo­king is man­da­to­ry and com­ple­ted only upon pick­up with the pay­ment of an accre­di­ta­ti­on fee of 30,00€.

      Accreditation for students

      You can request bin­ding accre­di­ta­ti­on with this form.
      Accreditation fee: 10,00 € (pay­ment upon pick­up) 

      Upon show­ing your accre­di­ta­ti­on card at the LUCAS coun­ter, you will recei­ve free cine­ma tickets as long as the con­tin­gent is suf­fi­ci­ent.

      Please note: Have a sepa­ra­te ticket issued for each event you wish to attend. The accre­di­ta­ti­on pass is only valid in com­bi­na­ti­on with a pho­to ID. Likewise, a vou­ch­er code can be used on the VoD plat­form as long as the con­tin­gent is suf­fi­ci­ent. 

       Please direct fur­ther ques­ti­ons to:
      Tel: +49 (0)69 961 220 675
      Fax: +49 (0)69 961 220 669

        Notice on data privacy 

        We tre­at your per­so­nal data con­fi­den­ti­al­ly. By regis­tering, you con­sent to the use of your abo­­ve-men­­tio­­ned com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on data in accordance with Art. 6 (1a) DSGVO for the pur­po­ses of gene­ral com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on, the for­war­ding of infor­ma­ti­on from us to you and, if appli­ca­ble, for issuing event invi­ta­ti­ons. Our com­ple­te pri­va­cy poli­cy can be found at: You can revo­ke your con­sent com­ple­te­ly or par­ti­al­ly at any time effec­ting the future by sen­ding an email to

        The boo­king is man­da­to­ry and com­ple­ted only upon pick­up and pay­ment of an accre­di­ta­ti­on fee of 10,00€.

        LUCAS Trennung

        Contact & Team

        Julia Fleißig
        Head of Festival
        Tel.: +49 69 961 220 671

        Olaf Wehowsky
        Head of Festival Management
        Tel.: +49 69 961 220 673

        Wilke Bitter
        Head of Film Education and School Cooperations
        Tel.: +49 69 961 220 672

        Tobias Hüser
        Editorial Office, Public Relations
        Tel.: +49 69 961 220 314

        DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum
        Schaummainkai 41
        60596 Frankfurt am Main

        Head of Festival / Artistic Direction: Julia Fleißig

        Festival Management: Olaf Wehowsky

        »Get Involved!«
        Film Education and School Cooperations: Wilke Bitter

        Programme Design: Wilke Bitter, Julia Fleißig, Olaf Wehowsky
        In Cooperation with the cine­ma depart­ment of the DFF (Head: Natascha Gikas) and with the depart­ment Film Education and Mediation (Head: Christine Kopf)

        Programm Assistants: Feature Film: Meghann Munro | Short Film: Wilke Bitter

        Selection Committee | Feature Films: Henning Adam, Julia Fleißig, Stefan Stiletto, Kirsten Taylor

        Selection Committee | Short Films: Julia Fleißig, Holger Twele, Dr. Ursula Vossen

        Viewing Committee | Short Films: Wilke Bitter, Jacqueline Cyll, Wilma Demel, Caroline Fuchs, Astrid Jakob-Rees, Johanna Krompos, Angelo Davide Lo Bello, Julia Pietsch, Katharina Potzuweit, Lara Verschragen, Olaf Wehowsky

        Guest Services: Julia Pietsch | E‑Mail: | Tel.: +49 69 961 220 675

        Coordination of Film Prints: Manuel Föhl

        Editorial Office, Public Relations: Tobias Hüser

        Head of Public Relations: Frauke Haß

        Authors: Henning Adam, Wilke Bitter, Amos Borchert, Tobias Hüser, Julia Fleißig, Julia Pietsch, Stefan Stiletto, Kirsten Taylor

        Social Media and Post Production:
        Felix Englert, Leonie Keßel,  Jana Rüd, Dilek Topal
        Film Education: Phoebe Brownell, Natalie Jöckel, Ilona-Tássia Schrepfer
        Editorial Office: Anna Dürbeck, Alessia Radomski
        Guest Services: Lejla Becirovic, Malika Julie Finke
        VoD-plat­form: Pascal Porada
        Organisation: Amani Abidi, Lisa Theissen
        Moderation: Ulrike Melsbach, Florian Höhr, Nadine Aldag, Stefan Stiletto, Kirsten Taylor, Wilke Bitter
        Jury sup­port: Henrik Stein, Johanna Krompos,  Nina Ullmann, Raphael Dick.
        Volunteers: Patrick Kokoszynski, Mira Gunkel, Katharina Popp, Evi Rohde, Brenda Gonzales, Marie-Christin Severin.

        Website: Amani Abidi, Wilke Bitter, Anna Dürbeck, Jenni Ellwanger, Tobias Hüser, Jürgen Kindlmann, Alessia Radomski, Dilek Topal

        Translation of Dialog Lists: Melanie Aschenbrenner, Wilma Demel, Eva Neubauer, Natascha Noack, Alessia Radomski, Lisa Theissen

        Voice-Over: Melanie Aschenbrenner, Fenna Benetz, Wilma Demel, Caroline Intrup, Natascha Noack, Silvia Schwinger, Nora Solcher.

        Additional Material for Film Education: Nadine Aldag, Wilke Bitter, Wilma Demel, Manuel Föhl, Antje Knapp, Julia Pietsch, Ulrike Melsbach

        Festival Trailer: FISCHHALLE Büro für Gestaltung, Anke Fuchs & Axel Sucrow, Sound for Picture, Holger Jung

        Festival Photography: Oliver Leicht, Sascha Rheker, Jana Rüd

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